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tv   FOX 45 News at 530  FOX  October 9, 2012 5:30pm-6:00pm EDT

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3a 16- year- old girl... left... n the middle of the ssreet. stteet.paul gessler is live in northhbaltimore, whereepooice saa the girl was found shot in the girl's name is ahjee harrod.she's not from around here.she last lived in áeast baatimore.she was found here on fairlawn avenue in ánorthwest baatimore, just off of eisterstown rrad.pollce tape still marks the scene where ahjee was found. police got the all just before ten o'clock sunday night.they tell us she is a runaway....áhas been sinne with police, although they're not releasing thooe details. this comes s other families aar burying teenagers.19- year- old randy owens was killed last week in west &ppaltimore..wens liied in east baltimore.late last mooth, 199 year- old nana mensah f randallstown wassshot and killed whiie sitting in a parked car in southwwet
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baltimore.police don't believe any of the cases are related. they are, however, hitting the neighborhood here to see if anybody saw whaa appened sunday night. donny moses, baatimore pd: 26.10 "she does have a bit of a history witt teebaltimore police department and the don't believe hat this was a robbery.. detectivvs say harrod's purse and ooher personal itemsswere left attthe scene.anybody who might havv any information surroundinggher death is urged to call baltimore city police. liie in north baltimore, paul gessler, fox45 neww at 5:30. a maryland lawmaker has plead &pfor paying an employee in her law office 800 dollars in campaign money to pay for wedding expensss. expenses.the ppea is part of a deal delegate tiffany alstoo pade to settle the two -&pepar with all thh time suspended.
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years of supervised probation, fflfill 300 hours of community serviceeand pay tte money back to the state. a lawsuit accusing perdue farms of polluting the ayy begins ii federal court todaa. envvronmental groops rallied outsiie the courthouse based ccmpany is being sued for not ppoperlyydisposing of animal waste. the lawsuit names two eastern shooe farmers, alaa and kristin hudson, who were raising chickens for perdue. giants should bb held responsible for pollution by "the family hatsson triall here toddy, didnt run an operation thht was clean and where waste was properly dispossd of, however, ultimately we believe that responsible."b held respoosible" 3 the trial is expected to laat up to thhee weeks and oull groups say it could bankrupt the hudson farm and set a
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harmfullprecedent for other family farms. a ballimmre &ppolice officer... accused of helping cover up the death of a teenage girl... won't face ch. chargee. officer john ward had beennunder investigatiin.. after police ound the gun that killed the girl in the trunk of officer ward's car.. after her bodyyhad been hidden pn a pile of trash. thh 2--oys charged with was 3 manslaughter in thh march killing of 13-year--ld monae turnage. there were also accusationssthat the officer played a role in a possible cover up and may have advised the boys on how to handle the situation. at the time.. boys did not act alone. //////////////////sot/////////// ())"because monae was heavy even whhn she wws living and it, it ad to beee someone grown took her over there.." there.." tonight.. prosecutors say the police department will have to deccde whether ward will face administrative chargess
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with election day fast approaahing, maryland leaders hhve a launched an effort to energize vvters. the maryland voter registration & get oot the vote coalition met this morniig at the ew shiloh baptist church in baltimore. prganizations, working to register 25 thousand new voters bb the october 16th meet their goal... dooo campaigns, high ppofile - voter registration events, and phone banks. "any pllce where la dde-da-dee will be, we'll bb- asking the folks to do one basic thing, be a part of thh solution. a person who's not a registered vottr- you're part of thh probl" problem." the coalition is tarreting residents innballimore city, george's county. nattonwide: theenumber of people sickened byya deadly deatts. new numbers... indicate.../... áeightá... confirmed cases..../// one... death...// kathleen cairns... joins us ... eight cases and one death so
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far.. fox 5 news was the first to rrport the new climb.. we have also learned ssme of those patients are hospitalized tonight. peceived the tainted steroid are now being tested. tonighh, medical expertssalso tell us the incubation periid for fungal meninnitis may be longer then 4 weeks. whhle tte medical community studies pt. some ppoduct liability s - contacted by patients who got contaminated injections. "there will be cauues of action brought against tte compann but it will be donn on class basis because everybodys everybody is going tt be effected differently by this.. " 3&&pp healthhexperrs also tell tonight theeincubation eriod may be longer then eeks.. so we may be hearinn about new cases...into november. kc fox 45 newssat 5;33
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orioles magic... moves to the bronx. bronx. the o's evened the divisional periessagainst the yankees. now baltimore is in new york for game three. three. morgan adsit is at yankee stadium where the ooioles arrived today. p,3
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the yankees and orioles have a pass that's very interwined. this week fate is playing out once aggin.... in baltimore bronx. the bronx. with the series all tied up -- meeinda roeder is taking a look back at the countless connections between these two r. rivals. (melinda intro) 11:47721 "baltimoreens have alwaas grappled with the notion... or if he was a new york yankke."babe ruth isn't the only ironic icon... in this llng-time rivalry.o's manager buck showalter used to &pwear pinstripes too.but these
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going wayybaak into the past. beginninn... more than a century ago.... when half oo the orioles eam was movee to new yook and later became the ruth was not only born here... put his great home run record was tied here.....y roger maris who hit number 59 against theeoriooes in baltimore..nd ho could forget aalittle boy in the outfield the dreams of o's fans.aawth unmagical moment... ttat mmny believe crushed the oriiles' &pmotivation.(from monday, still remember the jeffrey maeir homerun."14:38:04 (from sunday) "jeffrey maeir stole ouu innocencc..((melinda tag)) 3 how are the roads looking tonig? tonight?brandi proctor has our traffic edge report. report. mapfiberbelairwilkensmap395map &, a wwman dying of ancer is
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humiliated by airport security.
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security. what she wassforced to do in ffonn of other passengers..... and the reeson she says her health was put attrisk. halloween is still weeks away... why hunnreds of zombies took to thh streets of england. 3 --adblib weather tz-- &p
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as a pastor, my support for question 6 is rooted in my belief that the government should treat everyone equally. i wouldn't want someone denying my rights based upon their religious views, so i shouldn't deny others based upon mine. it's about fairness. i support this law because it doesn't force any church to perform a same sex marriage if it's against their beliefs. and that's what this is about. protecting religious freedom and all marylanders equally under the law. join me in voting for question 6.
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so let me tell you what i know:k about question seven... if question seven passes, my company's going to... bring table games, like blackjack and poker... right here to baltimore. a twenty-five million dollar investment... that'll create five hundred new jobs. all right here. today, marylanders are spending $500 million gaming... in other states. let's keep it here. i'm chad barnhill, and we're ready to build right here. we're ready, and it's real. and all that has to happen... is question seven. the admittedd.. shooter of aa florida teenager, ... will be... bbck in
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pourt... soon..../george zimmerman... will ask the judge... to give him access... to... trayvon martin's... school... and... &psocial media records....// his... attorney's... are also asking... o delay the trial proceedings.../ zimmeeran... shot and killed... 17-year-old martin... in february..../ &psome... believe... zimmerman profiled and chased... he....african afttr an argument.../ 3 while... zimmerman ccaiis ... seef defense. a... public hay-makee... to... tth face.../ after... his client... learns his sentee sentence. 30 year old... lamarcus williamson... is... pnn.. the... orange jumpssit..../// he... plld... guiltt... to robbery,.../ ddug and the judge... gave him... 15---years...///. even... with the handcuffs, .... and... decks... his attorneyy.. sending pim... to the floor. & additionaa... six montts... for contempt f court.../ and... couud... ace assault charges... for... &p a... woman... dying from cancer ... ays... p she was humiliated... during... aa... ssattle's airp. airportt michelle dunaj was on hee way to hawaii last week.she callld
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the airline ahead of ttmeefor her medicines should be how separatee.but duriig the screening.. a machine couldn't get a rrading on hee saline bags. so, a t-s-a agent forced one open, contaminating the fluid she needs to survive. they alsoomade her liit up her shirt and pull back the pandages to her feeding tubes while othhr passenggrs were staring. and when somebodyywants to take a trip, especially what i call an end-of-life trip, famiiy and friends, then it - becooes more important than just taking a trip. privacy, but was told o. aa - against theii policy to deny passenggr's private security screenings, if they request ooe. einstein dismissed the idea of god as a product of umann wwakness has been put up for auction.the starting price? three million bucks. bucks.the handwritten ddcument... known as the "god
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einsteen and another phyyicist. on princetoo univvrsity erman - statiinery, gives a famouss critique of all anonymous collector who bought the letter in 2008... put it on sale on online auction site e- baa on monday. 3&113-128"thii letter is availlbll at and we're inviting people to get pre-qualified to bid on thii. certainly we have some bidder pre-qqalification to go through. it's not an money."the auction runs until october far... thhre is one bbd. 3 a kitten hhtches a ride under the hood of a the driver's quick hinkiig saved its life. &p--adblib weather tz--
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a beltsville man experiences car trouble... but it has ánnthingááto do with the car! car!nats of cat meowing! meowing!it was a three week old kitten!the drivee says he heard... sounds coming from under the hood...and noticed pomething asn't rrghh.he pullle over and opened the 26-32"" kept hearing a chirping unner the hood... and iiddove littte bit and i drove some more and i said that's a cat." pnd after 45 minutes... -1-11 - firefightes were able to rescue the kitten.a vet checked her out and she's doong fine.the next step... is pindiig the kitten a hooe.
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--- react to story ----ddib toss.... &p we'rr ...
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5:52 pm
saying... thank you... to... the fans... that make our facebook paae...'s ... facebook... fan of the day is... nicole baldwin....// you... could be.. .a... fox 45... fannof the day..../ pay..../all ... you... have to dd... is... go to ... facebook dot com ...slash foxbaltimore.../ click the "like"... have... a... new an of the day... every
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weekday... on.... pfox45 news aa five. 3 coming up... morgan adsit... outsiie yankee staddum wweree the oos will play tomorrow night.who manager buck showalter credits for his team's success.
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it's heavy lifting. you start with a democratic senator named ben. by getting bwi-marshall funding for new runways, he's helping us serve 21 million passengers a year, which helps keep 100,000 jobs that depend on the airport, and that means more cargo for more businesses
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and more skycaps unloading more taxis... welcome to bwi. ...carrying families with more luggage. thanks. it's like he's out here with us. he's my friend, ben. i hope he's your friend, too. i'm ben cardin, and i approve this message. a night o catch your breath, yankees are now in new york, their diviiionseries tied at a game apiece...there is &pelectrcity in the bronx this evening, and that'sswherewe fiid our morgan adsit.,.. adsit.,.. 3 sot rollcue..."out of the
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bullpen" (adlib toss)
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we'll hhve more from morgan in phe bronx, we'lllhear from the ravens andour prep player of the week..coming up tonight at unlimited 11:30 on sports - --toss to vytas-- vytas-- 3 3 3 p, over 1000 zoobie fann in
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england attempt to break the world record for tte largest gathering of ghouls. ghouls..nfortunately ... short... of... brraking the current record...///.set back... in 2010.../ 443--- participants... dressed for... the new jersey zombie... walk... at... 'qualifying' zombie... is counted ... and... representatives... from... guinness wwrld records... were present to verify the record attempt. 55-105"so tte guidelines or toniiht's attempt sttte that all the paaricipantt must have full zombie face paint, this includessa white face, dark somewhere on the face.'' face.''guinness officials... verified... just over... fiffeen hundred zombies... ad met theirrcriteria... on the night.../ so... 3 3 that's all for fox45 news aa 5:30."family feud" is next. for ffx455news t ten -- and the llte edition at 11... 11...we'll see you later.
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thank you, mr. speaker, uh, members of congress. in celebration of over 75 years of our government employees insurance company, or most of you know it. ...i propose savings for everyone! i'm talking hundreds here... and furthermore.. newcaster: breaking news. the gecko is demanding free pudding.


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